August 10, 2010

I saw this on another blog and am going to steal it

I will post about a different song every day for 30 days

Day 01. Your favorite song
Day 02. Your least favorite song
Day 03. A song that makes you happy
Day 04. A song that makes you sad
Day 05. A song that reminds you of someone
Day 06. A song that reminds you of somewhere
Day 07. A song that reminds you of a certain event
Day 08. A song that you know all the words to
Day 09. A song that you can dance to
Day 10. A song that makes you fall asleep
Day 11. A song from your favorite band
Day 12. A song from a band you hate
Day 13. A song that is a guilty pleasure
Day 14. A song that no one would expect you to love
Day 15. A song that describes you
Day 16. A song that you used to love but now hate
Day 17. A song that you hear often on the radio
Day 18. A song that you wish you heard on the radio
Day 19. A song from your favorite album
Day 20. A song that you listen to when you’re angry
Day 21. A song that you listen to when you’re happy
Day 22. A song that you listen to when you’re sad
Day 23. A song that you want to play at your wedding
Day 24. A song that you want to play at your funeral
Day 25. A song that makes you laugh
Day 26. A song that you can play on an instrument
Day 27. A song that you wish you could play
Day 28. A song that makes you feel guilty
Day 29. A song from your childhood
Day 30. Your favorite song at this time last year

June 23, 2010

burn fat burn

I am sick of being fat. Which may sounds strange, because I am not
fat, not even close. I should say, I am sick of HAVING fat.
I wear a size 6 pants, I don't eat sugar or junk, I go to the gym
regularly and am 'fit' according to the requriements posted on the gym
But this layer of fat on my stomache just won't shift. I know I have
kick-arse abs under there, somewhere...
I think all the time about fat zap. It sounds good, but I have no
money. If I had a proper full time job and money in the bank, I would
try it in a second.
So still on the idea of resorting to paying money, but not quite so
much, I've gotten in on the fat burning supplements. Supposedly, these
will help my body break down fat cells to metabolise instead of
burning carbs, or whatever.
We'll see ne?
Next week I might try the acai berry/detox combo that 'melts fat away'
if the internet ads are to be believed.
I can't go to the gym right now because I am working from 830 - 830
and it's not open late. I might try go for a run in the morning (in
the freezing cold and dark? Hmm... I don't like my chances...)
I want to look good for my trip to NZ just in case someone sees me naked.

May 24, 2010

I hate no remembered how I got home on a Saturday night, cause that means:
a) I was really drunk
b) I may have been kicked out of the venue
and consequently
c) I may or may not have gone quietly

I was going to call Shannon and ask her what went on, but she emailed me to ask me first.  Lol.

May 3, 2010

Booked my holiday!

I planned on going somewhere in July.

First I hoped I could go to Japan, if I had the dough.  But I couldn't afford it.

Then Air Asia released these $150 tickets in July, and I thought great, I'll go there, and arranged for Shannon to go with me.  But we didn't get on it quick enough, and those tickets went, and after that it wasn't such a good deal.

Then Jetstar brought out 2 for 1 Japan flights, but I didn't get on to that in time, and missed out.

Then I reconsidered going to New Zealand which I had thought about late last year, but wasn't sure if I'd get the chance to do or not.

Season passes at Ruapehu in April go to $395 NZ, and flights are about that as well, so I figured, why not?

So I asked a few friends if they would be interested, and Vi and Shannon decided to come along!

I'm really looking forward to taking a couple of friends to my old home town :)

We are going to hire a car, and in addition to snowboarding, will check out the Waitaimo caves, Rotorua and what not.  Should be awesome!

April 8, 2010

I got a job!

Details to follow at a later date.

April 5, 2010

Housemates come home from camping.

Oh hey guys, I've had a really productive weekend, got a lot done...

So you did nothing?

Yeah, I spent most of the last few days in my pajamas being drunk...

April 3, 2010


So... My vege garden has been trashed.

At first, I couldn't make sense of it.

I stood there, looked at the ripped off leaves, the uprooted seedlings, the spring onion completely untouched and just thought, 'how?'

Living the lifestyle that I do, when I find something trashed and don't know how it happened, I usually think long and hard about, 'could I have done this and not remembered?' So I thought, and concluded that no, I did not do this.

So who did then?

Possums. Little fuckers, I wanted to eat that celery!

So now what? If I replant and they eat the whole fucking thing again, I'm just wasting time and money. I discussed it with Dad and we thought of a way to use chicken wire to keep them out. Will try and construct such a thing tomorrow perhaps.

March 20, 2010

My neighbors hate me

Because I parked out the front of their house.

Last time I checked, I was free to park wherever the fuck I want in the street.

Guy came over with some crap about me needing to move my car so he can put his bin out.

I'm pretty sure the garbage crew would be able to handle the whole, bin behind car situation.

I was going out in about 10 minutes anyway.

Next time I am not going to be home I might park there. I don't want to cause trouble by refusing to move my car, but if I'm not here, well it'll be tough cookies.

March 10, 2010

The long house hunt is over!

I have moved into a place in Kew with two brothers.

It's strange moving into a house with strangers I think. But I think it will be ok.

One of them came on my run with me today. Which reminds me, I booted up google Earth to track how far we went. Ok it was 4.5 kms, cool.

Still working on my bedding situation though, it's been too wet to move a mattress on the roof of a car so I am sleeping on an air bed :(

March 2, 2010

Life Goal Deadline

If I have not managed to have moved out of my parents house by April
1st, I will stay at home, move my rent and bond money into my Canada
account, defer Uni and go to Canada for a year. Why not.

February 23, 2010

Sydney Soundwave

I might save the big Soundwave wrap up until after Friday, when I
attend the Melbourne show.
About the Sydney one though, it was easily the worst festival I have
ever been to. And I went to my first Big Day Out in '96 and have been
attending them constantly since then. No shade, hard to find free
water, no bins, ect. Fucking hot day, so many people passing out and
throwing up from the heat and no shade/water. What a joke.
I had to buy a water (which I HATE doing) because from where I was it
was about 10 minutes to the tap, with a good 10 - 15 minute wait to
fill your bottle up, and I would not have lasted that long.
That's not even mentioning the for sale drinks running out, the
parking situation, the exit gate crowd, no free sunscreen (well people
should not be dumb enough to not bring their own), no toilet paper,
not enough food vendors, the dust, the metal mats with sharp edges at
stages 5 & 6, ect, ect. I realise it was hot, but the Big Day Out,
Good Vibes, and Future all manage to do a better job.
I ended up having to pay a visit to the St Johns first aid tent, cause
at one point I was in such a bad way I was shaking, I couldn't feel my
hands and I thought I was going to puke, I could hardly walk over
there. I stayed for about 15 minutes, under the fan with some water
and ice and managed to record enough to get to the over side of the
venue where I found a spot in the shade (luckily) and stayed there for
quite a while till I was fully back to normal. It was chaos in the
first aid tent, people throwing out and crying, fainting, ect.
I sent them an email this morning thanking them for the great job they
did, cause they are volunteers and had to work so hard. I got this
Your message has been passed to me. Thank you for taking the
trouble to write expressing your appreciation and also endorsing the
challenge my members faced.
I am proud of our reaction to what was a very confronting situation
and as we continued to face unacceptable pressure, that once we
initiated emergency callout at 3.01 pm , that 40 members with
additional equipment responded.
The organiser deserves NO credit.
Glad to hear that you are well.
Your message has been onforwarded to the Command Team and members who
were involved
St John Ambulance Australia (NSW)

February 18, 2010

New Laptop - Happy!

I just ordered a new laptop!!!

Because several desktops and one laptop, it simply not enough.

Well, it's not!

I need a laptop for Uni, and 'The Beast' is not up for the task. It's
18 inches of heavy, no battery-life-ness. While awesome, it's much
better for watching movies in bed on.

New lappy, (dubbed 'Mini-beast') Will be small, light, and have a long
battery life. Perfect for taking notes in lectures, or doing
'homework' at the Uni bar. Also, for travel. I took the Beast around
both NZ and Japan, it wasn't fun. I need a laptop for lectures,
because I'm not really very good at taking notes on paper. In
addition to losing them, I can't really write very well anymore (sad
but true). I can type however, very fast.

Stats, for the geek minded:

Processor Intel® Atom™ N450 1.66G processor - 32nm
Display 10.1" WSVGA 1024X600 LCD Screen
Graphics Up to 256MB Intel 950 Graphics
NB Memory 2GB (1 x 2GB) 667MHz DDR2 RAM
2.5" Hard Drive 320GB 5,400RPM Serial-ATA Hard Drive
HD Partition Single Partition
Integrated Options 802.11 b/g/n Wireless
Integrated Options 1.3M Pixel Build in Camera free
USB Optical Drive None
Operating System Options Ubuntu Linux OS Pre-loaded.

All for under $500!

I had my eye on a cute Toshiba that was $800, and less powerful than
this. Glad I decided to suss out generic custom built options.

The Beast will also need a bit of an upgrade, but new RAM and a hard
drive for that shouldn't set me back too much. The main computer...
well, I'm looking at quite a few hundred there, but I'm not going to
think about that just yet! I think I'll work on that on a 'need to'

February 16, 2010


Dad called just then and said my Aunty's funeral will be on Friday.
I'm happy (about the date), that is convenient for me, cause it'll be easier to drive
to the airport from Bendigo than from work in peak hour traffic. I'm
going to Sydney Friday night.
I said about 10 minutes before we got the call to said she died that I
bet the funeral will be when I am in Sydney and I will have to miss
out. I was wrong by one day, luckily.
Aunty wasn't particularly close to my family or me, but I really like
funerals and seeing the family, so I'm very excited about going. And
I feel like I shouldn't be looking forward to it, but I am. Dad
doesn't even want to go, cause she was a bit of a nasty piece of work.
But Dad always got along great with her kids, and his brother said he
has to go or they will be upset. So he (and maybe Mum) are going for
them. I'm going along for the party. Doubt my brother will make an
Should be a nice day for it.

February 15, 2010


I found a dress at DFO for $10 that looks a lot lot the kind of dress
I was going to sew! It was the only one and it fit, so I got it.
Wore it out on Saturday night:

February 13, 2010

When I was 18 I wanted to be a web site dveloper

I've actually been working on that website that I've had an entire month to do, cause they sort of wanted it by now.

Having a couple of problems.

Firstly, when I actually learned how to make a website, it was in HTML3. Slightly out of date.

After that I got really high tech and had to make power sites for work in ASP.NET, with complicated database commands, SSL, login boxes, ect.

But I never really learned the stuff in between. And what I did know, I seem to have forgotten.

Luckily, you can steal the code off of any website you want. So I did some stealing. From myself. From the me of five years ago. One of the sites I made from work was archived by the Wayback Machine so I was able to get my old source code to copy. The me of the past really knew her way around HTML tables. Thanks! Now to work out all the more complicated stuff...

February 12, 2010


Every new house I look at or see an ad for, I fall in love with. I realise that it is the one place I have been looking for. I imagine my life there. I know that I will not be happy anywhere else. I can't bear the thought of not living there.

Then I find the next one, and promptly forget all about the one before.

Kind of like with men.

Trying to move out

It's not been a good week for house hunting, no progress at all. No
new prospects.

I am however, checking out a room early next week in Brunswick, a
friend of a friend is looking for someone, so I am in with a good

I just got a text then from a place in Flemmington that sounds really good too.

Both places are not in the area I wanted, but they are the price I
wanted. I guess you have to compromise one way or the other.

They are also not far from the city by tram or taxi, so I could be
happy in either place.

I have $1000 sitting there for bond and first months rent, so I am all
ready to go!

February 11, 2010

Festival Attire

Been thinking about what to wear to Soundwave.

Shorts, a singlet, that's the standard way to go.  Bit boring though.

I saw a jumpsuit on the Valleygirl website that looked kind of cool, so I went down after work and picked it up. Can't argue with $14.95!!  It's super comfy. A bit boring on it's own though, so I tried it out with a few accessories:

I have a feeling this will be one of those things that I will look back on in a few years and think, 'what the hell was I wearing!'

Places I've lived

I've heard about this Google Maps Street View thing but never tried
it, seemed a little too good to be true actually. Well I had a look
today, and holy crap! I can go back to places I havn't seen in years!
Teh firs tthin gI wanted to see was where I lived in Yonago, Japan,
but they don't have street view for there. But the bigger cities I
lived in, I can see my old neighbourhood!

Osaka, Japan

Mine buildnig was the red brick thing on the right, with the bieks out
the front. If you look up to the 4th floor you can see my window, and
the mightly power lines that I got to view from there.

Tokyo Japan

Right at the front door! Too bad you can't go in and see all the
shoes! With about 80 people living there, there were a lot of shoes.
I lived and worked in this hostel for only month but it felt like
forever. I will go back and do another few months there when I can,
it was the best.

National Park, New Zealand
I could not believe they had street view here! Oh my little town! I
lived in four differnent places in town, and they are not all clearly
visable, but I spent the longest time livign here:

If you spint he camera around, you can see the beautiful mountain
view! And also, the pub down the road, where I worked.


February 8, 2010

I'm going to Soundwave!!!

I got into Melbourne as a volunteer!

Which is great, cause there are so many clashed in the Sydney schedule, and if I can see a band or two in Melbourne, it'll help a lot.

Especially since every fucking side show is sold out.

February 6, 2010

The best txt of 2009

yeah totally dude. i guess its a bit late for hot sex?

2009 - a little late

1. Where were you when 2009 began? I have no idea... What did I do for new years?  Oh yeah, I was on a tram, heading to the Rochester, to meet Darren.

2. What did you do in 2009 that you’d never done before? Hmmm...god I can only think of bad stuff  I don't want to post.  I'll come back.  I went off the big kickers in the terrain park this year.

 3. Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I wanted to get fit, and although I didn't really do that once daylight savings ended, I am still running, swimming and riding my bike now, so I guess that's success.

 4. Go to any concerts this year? Heaps. The best was...Crettins Puddle reunion show!  And Propagandi, was that 2009?

5. Were you looking for a new job in 2009? I was unemployed for the first few months of it, until Officeworks gave me a job, then Hotham Ski Company.

6. Did you drink a lot of alcohol in 2009? Yes... yes I did.  My intake may have been down a little from previous years. Actually no I'm just trying to fool myself, it was probably worse.  I"m trying to cut back.

7. Did you go on any vacations? I did some camping at the start of the year, Great Ocean Road and the Grampians.  I went to NZ for 5 weeks, so glad I did!  I spent five days in Bawley Point, that was nice also.  My life is like one big holiday though, living at Mt Hotham all winter.

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?  Um, I got a job?  Ooh! I learned how to go off the big kickers in the terrain park!!!  Yep, that was my biggest achievement.

9. If you could go back in time to any moment of 2009 and change something, what would it be? I regret nothing!  Well, maybe I would have tried not to break that window, it cost me a hundred bucks to replace.

 10. Did you suffer illness or injury? I had tonsilitis really bad at the start of the year, I was sicker than I had been since I had glandular in high school.  Then at the start of winter I got tracheitis.  I had several cold like things throughout the ski season, I hurt my shoulder snowboarding and had to be a lefty for a week, I had my shin slashed open snowboarding, but didn't get stitches cause I didn't want to pay $60.

11. What was the best thing you bought? New snowboard!  Just made it that year, I got it new years eve day.  Also, Xbox 30, finally!!!

12. Whose behavior merited celebration? No one comes to mind...

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? I dunno, every guy that never wanted to come back for seconds?  Well, the one or two I actually liked.

14. Where did most of your money go? Booze.  Without a doubt.  And rent, I suppose.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? Working at Hotham!

16. What song will always remind you of 2009? I gotta feeling... must have heard it every night in winter.  That beats Flowrider, who will forever remind me of 2008.

17. Compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder? Much happier.  I bet my LJ is full of depression from this time last year. *checking* actually it's not too bad, but I mention being unhappy about being unemployed.

18. What do you wish you’d done more of? Snowboarding instead of being hungover.  Working, at the start of the year, it's been a very bad year money wise.

19. What do you wish you’d done less of? Drinking? Maybe.

20. How did you spend Christmas? In 09? With the family, and my Japanese friend Hagi came too!

Seems to be no 21.

22. Did you fall in love in 2009? Several times.  Though Sami tells me that's lust, not love.  I'm not sure if he's right or not.

23. What was the biggest change for you in 2009? I had to get used to living in Australia again, it takes time to adjust back.

24. What were your favorite TV programmes? Still love Ugly Betty, Chuck was a fave, and True Blood! I got half of Hotham into True Blood.

25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? Haha, no I think it's the opposite.

26. What was the best book you read in 09? I guess The Hundred Secret Senses, it was good, but not amazing. Better than everything else I read probably, inc Twilight.

27. What was your greatest musical discovery? Innerpartysystem!!!!!  I still play the album all the time a year later.

28. What did you want and get? A new snowboard.  Wow, one track mind.

29. What did you want and not get? A new ski jacket.  Will wait until next season.

30. What was your favorite film of this year? Watchmen

31.What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I turned 29 and had some friends gather at the Comfortable Chain for drinks.  I got really drunk, but hey, birthday!

32.What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?  My last night in National Park, every night.

33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2009?  I'm sort of trying to move away from dressing like a depressed Japanese teenager and more like a modern woman, I'm sort of getting there.

34. What kept you sane? Snow, music, friends.

35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? I liked Robert Downy Jr in Iron Man, but that may have been the year before??

36. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.  Fiona Apple's 'Get Him Back' comes to mind.  Ooh!  The first line from My Delerium.  Hello.

37. Who did you miss?  I always miss lots of people. I miss Kirstin in America, I miss seeing Darren when I am at Hotham, I miss Sami in NZ making me laugh, I miss Kristi being here. I miss having Luke to wake up to. Occasionally. I miss places too.  I miss National Park, I miss Yonago, I miss Osaka, I miss Tokyo.

38. Who was the best new person you met? I met lots of cool people.  I guess I have to put Shannon as 'best' cause I see her a lot and the other best people all live elsewhere.  Vi and Ania can tie for second.

39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2009.  There's nothing to lose by taking a chance.

40. What are your plans for 2010? Uni!  Move to city!  Make friends and go out and have a proper adult life (Ie. not living with parents.)

February 5, 2010

House Hunt update

So since we decide to abandon team awesome house and go our seperate
ways, no one has got a place yet.

The two that were un-proactive in the search have to my knowledge, not
made any effort to find rooms and I guess are happy not moving out
after all.

Shannon has checked out a few rooms and been accepted into one, she
just needs to decide if she wants to take it or not.

I have looked at 4, and have 2 more lined up.

The one tonight I think might be too expensive. Plus with two PHd and
one masters student it might be a bit of a nerd house. We'll see

I'm excited about the one I'm looking at on Saturday. However when I
called it sounded like I was talking to an agent, not someone who
lived there. Is that wierd?? Maybe the landlord rents out room by

The one I looked at last night: the room was huge and the house was
beautiful. It's an ok price. I'd need to upgrade the internet and
possible pay for most of it myself, as the others are low users. The
three that I met seemed ok. Two are Scottish, the other Aussie and
the 4th wasn't there. I don't think that they'd be my new best
friends, but they were friendly enough and with a room that big I
wouldn't even have to get along with them anyway, I'd have room for my
own couch and tv in there. Either way will be ok. If I don't get it,
fine, if I do, I think I'd probably take it.

February 4, 2010

Room hunting

I've only just started really, and I'm not in a rush so I am only
contacting rooms available that are exactly what I want; cheap.

I've checked out 3 so far, one was ok (the place) but the house mate
not a good match. One was an utter dump, and a fair dirty party
house, I told them I wasn't interested. One was great, good price,
cool people, but it's been a week and a half since I checked it out so
I'm going to assume that's a no.

I've gotten a few rejection emails. One said, "sorry but we are
looking for someone who will be around more" ?? and the other one is
even better, "sorry the room is gone, but I'm looking for someone to
travel around Australia with in April if you are interested."

In most cases, I don't hear anything. Especially with Gumtree adds,
cause I guess they get a million replies.

I was checking one out yesterday, but they message to cancel saying
someone else they'd offered it to accepted. I'm checking one out
tonight, and another tomorrow.

Will someone want to live with me?

February 3, 2010

House Hunting

Giving up on getting our own place, it’s too hard.  Going to disband and do our own thing.  I’ve been applying for rooms through, and Gumtree.

Got a response from a Gumtree one today (paraphrased),

“Room is taken, but do you want to go travelling with me in April?”


Why I shouldn't have joined the mailing list

I just applied for a Jetstar Mastercard, what a sucker!  But hey you get a $100 voucher for joining.  I have this grand idea that I’ll pay everything on it, pay it off every pay day then fly everywhere for free all year.  It probably won’t happen like that.

Give me a B (for blog)

I went to the cheerleading workshop they had at pole dancing on the weekend.

What was obviously clear to me, is that I am still uncomfortable around large groups of women.

My pole class is ok, there are only 5 – 6 of us.

And I have more female friends than ever before, on the mountain over winter, I had about 9 girl friends to hang out with.  Maybe it was different because I knew them all. And we were never in one big group.

I blame studying computer programming and working in video games retail for so many years as to why I am more used to being around guys.  In NZ when we had work training and there were 10 girls vs 2 boys, I stood with them (who were standing together for moral support) because I felt more comfortable there.

For someone who only had their first close group of girlfriends at 26, I guess I still have a ways to go.  It was good making girl friends in Japan, I could talk about stuff with them that you can’t with guys, no matter how good a friend you are.  I liked that.

I joined the Vogue forums so I can talk with other women my age.  Also, to kill time while I’m supposed to be working…

Cheerleading was sort of fun.  I didn’t love it.  I don’t think I have the right personality for it.  It was good to be able to do a class with Anna though, as we go to different studios and I only see her every few weeks.  And it was something different, I’m always up for trying something new.

February 2, 2010

Too many cards

I just signed a card for someone leaving on maternity leave.  The second card to cross my desk today, the first one was for a woman who is off because she broke her wrist.  That one was easy, being a snowboarder, I have heaps of friends with broken wrists, familiar territory.

The maternity one, I had no idea what to write.  Several phrases crossed my mind, like:

Good luck, if I was you I’d be terrified


I’m sure it’ll all be worth it

But neither seemed really appropriate….  I settled on- god it was a few minutes ago and I’ve already forgotten… I think it was something like, “good luck, try not to miss work too much” or some such.

The thought of giving birth scared the crap out of me.  Bbrrrrr.

January 19, 2010

It's a blog!

Yes, and the... 4th one I have started?

But I don't have a place to put whatever I decided needed to be put here when I decided on the way to work this morning that I needed to start a new blog.

I'm tired of live journal. Too many friends read it, I'd rather it was just strangers. Strangely. I also post my feelings and what not on there, (well I used to) but I have an actual paper diary for that now. So this can be for... the other stuff. Yeah!