February 23, 2010

Sydney Soundwave

I might save the big Soundwave wrap up until after Friday, when I
attend the Melbourne show.
About the Sydney one though, it was easily the worst festival I have
ever been to. And I went to my first Big Day Out in '96 and have been
attending them constantly since then. No shade, hard to find free
water, no bins, ect. Fucking hot day, so many people passing out and
throwing up from the heat and no shade/water. What a joke.
I had to buy a water (which I HATE doing) because from where I was it
was about 10 minutes to the tap, with a good 10 - 15 minute wait to
fill your bottle up, and I would not have lasted that long.
That's not even mentioning the for sale drinks running out, the
parking situation, the exit gate crowd, no free sunscreen (well people
should not be dumb enough to not bring their own), no toilet paper,
not enough food vendors, the dust, the metal mats with sharp edges at
stages 5 & 6, ect, ect. I realise it was hot, but the Big Day Out,
Good Vibes, and Future all manage to do a better job.
I ended up having to pay a visit to the St Johns first aid tent, cause
at one point I was in such a bad way I was shaking, I couldn't feel my
hands and I thought I was going to puke, I could hardly walk over
there. I stayed for about 15 minutes, under the fan with some water
and ice and managed to record enough to get to the over side of the
venue where I found a spot in the shade (luckily) and stayed there for
quite a while till I was fully back to normal. It was chaos in the
first aid tent, people throwing out and crying, fainting, ect.
I sent them an email this morning thanking them for the great job they
did, cause they are volunteers and had to work so hard. I got this
Your message has been passed to me. Thank you for taking the
trouble to write expressing your appreciation and also endorsing the
challenge my members faced.
I am proud of our reaction to what was a very confronting situation
and as we continued to face unacceptable pressure, that once we
initiated emergency callout at 3.01 pm , that 40 members with
additional equipment responded.
The organiser deserves NO credit.
Glad to hear that you are well.
Your message has been onforwarded to the Command Team and members who
were involved
St John Ambulance Australia (NSW)

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