February 5, 2010

House Hunt update

So since we decide to abandon team awesome house and go our seperate
ways, no one has got a place yet.

The two that were un-proactive in the search have to my knowledge, not
made any effort to find rooms and I guess are happy not moving out
after all.

Shannon has checked out a few rooms and been accepted into one, she
just needs to decide if she wants to take it or not.

I have looked at 4, and have 2 more lined up.

The one tonight I think might be too expensive. Plus with two PHd and
one masters student it might be a bit of a nerd house. We'll see

I'm excited about the one I'm looking at on Saturday. However when I
called it sounded like I was talking to an agent, not someone who
lived there. Is that wierd?? Maybe the landlord rents out room by

The one I looked at last night: the room was huge and the house was
beautiful. It's an ok price. I'd need to upgrade the internet and
possible pay for most of it myself, as the others are low users. The
three that I met seemed ok. Two are Scottish, the other Aussie and
the 4th wasn't there. I don't think that they'd be my new best
friends, but they were friendly enough and with a room that big I
wouldn't even have to get along with them anyway, I'd have room for my
own couch and tv in there. Either way will be ok. If I don't get it,
fine, if I do, I think I'd probably take it.

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