April 3, 2010


So... My vege garden has been trashed.

At first, I couldn't make sense of it.

I stood there, looked at the ripped off leaves, the uprooted seedlings, the spring onion completely untouched and just thought, 'how?'

Living the lifestyle that I do, when I find something trashed and don't know how it happened, I usually think long and hard about, 'could I have done this and not remembered?' So I thought, and concluded that no, I did not do this.

So who did then?

Possums. Little fuckers, I wanted to eat that celery!

So now what? If I replant and they eat the whole fucking thing again, I'm just wasting time and money. I discussed it with Dad and we thought of a way to use chicken wire to keep them out. Will try and construct such a thing tomorrow perhaps.

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